Things I am currently having mixed emotions about about:
- Miss K quiting dance. I realize it has been a while and I have had plenty of time to be sad about it, however I just saw this picture and I remember how great of a dancer she is and how proud I felt watching her. Then I remember how nice it is to take one more thing off the calendar and keep more money in the bank. Besides, she chose to quit.
My baby not being such a baby anymore. I caught Naia rocking this same baby doll as the one in the picture with her. Not only does this mean that she has grown to be bigger than the doll, but she is old enough to understand how to love it. At the same time I don't miss the days when she woke up at night, couldn't hold her own bottle, only had one form of communication - crying and didn't cry when I left.
Summer ending and school starting. My kids need to go back to school, they miss it, they are bored and it's making me crazy. I want school to start, I just want it to start without having to buy clothes and supplies, having to drive and pick up 3 different times a day, having to remember to make and send lunch, having to keep track of the full uniform days and the library books, trying to remember who has show and tell when and what needs to be done for PTA.
Giving up Starbucks. It needs to be done in the form of 'cold turkey'. There is no cutting back for me. I am not sure, but what I am going through must be what it feels like for someone who is addicted to heroine and is suddenly locked up in rehab. I don't know what I am going to do without my daily veniti skinny 2 pump with whip mocha. I do know that if I had taken just my Starbucks spendings over the last few years along with the amount I would spend over upcoming years and invested in something with a good rate of return, I could have a lot of money. Or my own freakin' Starbucks franchise paid in cash!
This...Why do I encourage these things? He can't wait to play football. Everyone says to him "Wow, you're going to make a great football player." (referring to his size and demeanor) His Dad is already scouting out 'leagues'. It is his destiny. Should we really be molding him for this at such a young age? How can a child know by the time he is 2 that he wants to be a football player? How does any child have a passion this early in life? What if he really wants to be a tap dancer, but doesn't realize it because we didn't buy him tap shoes at a young age. Should we be buying him tap shoes instead?
I want to see current pictures of Naia, so I can see how cute she is right now.
If I psycho-analyze this, it appears that Nonda is pissed that Fo wouldn't let him play football and he's subconsciously forcing it on D. I say buy him the tap shoes. Or give him
Mikayla's old ballet slippers...
Boys must be forced to play sports. It helps build character and makes them tuff. Just look at your bothers, me excluded of course!
Also, I forgot how small little Naia Dolphin was. I still say she is the happiest baby I have ever met.
you have such a cute family!
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